Beauty & Style Products and Advice from Celebrity Stylist Andy Paige

Summer Stinky Feet

Summer stinky feet, be gone! Sockless shoes, jellies, and rubber summer shoes of all kinds bring summer time fun AND the sweatiest, stickiest, smelliest feet of the year! Luckily, I have the stinky feet cure that will work on every member of the family and keep you all fungus-free this …

Genie Pants

The hottest summer trend this season is genie (or harem) pants! If you’ve already done your “hammer time,” you might not think genie pants are right for you, but the truth is, anyone can wear this style. It’s all about what you pair with it. You have to think of …

Flipflop Season

It’s flip-flop season!  Now, I know everyone who follows my advice knows I only approve of rubber flip-flips for the pool, spa or beach!  But it’s time to plunk down your yearly $5 for a new pair. This year, to help increase the wear on your cheapy flip-flops, add a …


The weather is getting warmer, and we are all feeling the need to lighten up! We want to shed our winter pounds, toss off our winter clothes, lighten our hair and feel the sunshine. The one foolproof way to feel and look summer-ready is to go a little lighter and …

Spring Closet Cleaning


It’s time! It’s time! Your closet is calling… and I’m going to make it easy and fun to get organized.

This is my favorite time of year! Out with the old, organize your stuff, and get ready to reinvent what you already own!

Plan an upbeat afternoon. Put on your favorite music, make sure you have a full-length mirror, open your closets and begin!

Plan to make 4 piles of clothes:

– DONATE – for a tax write-off or consign for extra cash
– RECREATE – will a $20 alteration make this work?? If not, DONATE!
– CONTEMPLATE – perhaps this item has sentimental value… put it at the end of your closet to consider later

Once you have your FITS ME GREATS ready to go back in the closet, ask one last question: Does this represent who I am and where I’m going??

Make sure it does…if it doesn’t — DONATE!

Boom – one afternoon and you’re ready to bring on the sunshine and feel wardrobe-renewed!

For more helpful hints on organizing your closet, pick up my book STYLE ON A SHOESTRING!


Swimsuit Trends

2017 Swimsuit trends!!!

Do you want the good news or the bad news first??


The bad news is that it’s time to go shopping for a new swimsuit!

The good news is that this signals that the worst of winter is behind us, AND there are some really cute trends that we can all enjoy, no matter your size, shade or shape.

The first trend is lace!! Not just for the bedroom anymore, beautiful lace details and macramé styling is a fabulous trend that adds femininity and texture. This trend is super-sexy and can easily be achieved by just adding a lacy cover-up.






Next up is the halter-top. Halter-top bikinis and one-pieces are cute, trendy and everywhere, at every price point. I love this trend for packing light, because the halter top can easily do double-duty when added to a skirt or slinky pants for a night out.



And finally, wide straps!! Wider straps have replaced the strings of old. This trend is great for fuller busts and for creating shape. It looks fresh and new, but the tan lines may be less than desirable. Consider this one with plenty of sunscreen, or for spending time under a nice, big umbrella.

Go have fun!!

Special-Occasion Hair

It’s HAIR SEASON! Hahaha!

I know that sounds funny, but this is the time of year that we start to shed our winter hats and think about special-occasion hair!

Whether it is prom, a wedding, graduation, vacation, The Derby, or family celebration, we all have something coming up that requires a little something special when it comes to our locks.

So I want to give you my 3 tools for fabulous special-occasion hair. You’ll find, quite literally, thousands of up-dos online, and every single one of them requires at least one of these three items.

1. Micro-elastics – These tiny clear elastic bands are small enough for braces and strong enough to hold even the most intricate styles. These little bands allow you to hold beautiful braids and fascinating hair mazes. They truly help your ideas come to life. Every beauty bag needs them. They’re amazing.

2. ELNETT Hairspray – I rarely recommend specific brands, stores or companies, but there is no better hairspray on the market than ELNETT. It is expensive ($15 a bottle), but it is a must-have styling tool. It will hold hair perfectly in place until you want that style gone, and then it will disappear with the stoke of a brush. It isn’t sticky, and once you use it, all other hairsprays pale in comparison. It’s a special-occasion must!

3. A curling wand AND glove – We see beautiful wavy hair on every TV personality and Instagram bombshell, and they all achieve it with a hot styling wand AND GLOVE! Don’t even think about wrapping your hair around a 410-degree heat stick without protecting your fingertips with a heat glove. Once you slip on a heat-resistant glove, then you can wrap large or small sections of hair around the wand and hold them there for a few seconds. You’ll have body and waves in minutes flat.

There you have it – my recipe for special-occasion hair. These tools will help you create fabulous hair like a pro! You can do it!

Rain is IN!

Let it RAIN!!

Never has the rain been so fashionable! Sure it ruins your hair, but it doesn’t have to ruin your clothes, your look, or your mood. In fact, with these fabulous fashionable rain finds, you’ll be begging for more April Showers!

Here are three hot trends you can be inspired by!

1. Transparent! I super-love this trend, especially the transparent or clear rain boots! Sure, this is a little like wearing a shower liner, but the idea of showing off your outfit or fabulous socks during a storm is modern, fresh… and a little Judy Jetson! This is on top of my Spring shopping list! Love! Love!





2. Slouchy-Chic! This is cocooning from the storm in a very chic way. From the high gloss slip-on ankle rain boots (that would look good with anything!) to the oversized belted rain swath, this is raiding your guy’s closet for today’s woman. It’s frumpy done right.





3. Brights! No reason to let the rain dull your day! Color has never been more chic when it comes to rain boots and rain coats. Even if this is the ONLY color you have in your wardrobe, if you choose your favorite color for your rain gear, it will always brighten your day!

You can do this!!

Wardrobe Advice


3 Pieces of Wardrobe Advice for all Graduating Seniors!

1. BE AWARE OF YOUR UNDERWEAR – Stylish professional women know the foundation (literally!) of a great look is appropriate underwear. Nothing instantly throws off a look like VPL (visible panty lines) or inappropriate bra straps. Be strategic about what you slip on and why – then do a quick mirror scan in natural light before you leave the house. It’s time to start building a strong foundation garment wardrobe.

2. ACCESSORIES ARE EVERYTHING – Accessories tell the story of your creative spirit and style. Try to have at least one accessory on, whether it’s a statement necklace, a pop-color scarf or an great pair of earrings. Ditch anything childish and start to channel your favorite 30-something.

3. DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE OVERDRESSED – If you’re ever on the fence about what to wear, consider where you’re going and who you’ll see. When in doubt, always err on the side of being too dressy – it’s a big no-no to be the only person in jeans. It’s much better to be remembered for looking fantastic and making the effort.