Beauty & Style Products and Advice from Celebrity Stylist Andy Paige

Wardrobe Advice


3 Pieces of Wardrobe Advice for all Graduating Seniors!

1. BE AWARE OF YOUR UNDERWEAR – Stylish professional women know the foundation (literally!) of a great look is appropriate underwear. Nothing instantly throws off a look like VPL (visible panty lines) or inappropriate bra straps. Be strategic about what you slip on and why – then do a quick mirror scan in natural light before you leave the house. It’s time to start building a strong foundation garment wardrobe.

2. ACCESSORIES ARE EVERYTHING – Accessories tell the story of your creative spirit and style. Try to have at least one accessory on, whether it’s a statement necklace, a pop-color scarf or an great pair of earrings. Ditch anything childish and start to channel your favorite 30-something.

3. DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE OVERDRESSED – If you’re ever on the fence about what to wear, consider where you’re going and who you’ll see. When in doubt, always err on the side of being too dressy – it’s a big no-no to be the only person in jeans. It’s much better to be remembered for looking fantastic and making the effort.