As soon as you land in Germany the one style standout that all the German people embrace is the guts to go bold with their eye glasses. It’s really incredible. No matter your age, occupation or social standing, they all seem to embrace the style opportunity glasses create. It’s awesome, noticeable and contagious.
I find myself wandering over to optic shops to checkout their window displays and going in to try some on. I don’t want to leave without a fabulous pair of German frames.
We can all take this style cue. Whether it’s sunglasses, readers or your everyday pair of glasses, there is no reason to choose boring, bland or blah! We will all need glasses of some sort at some point, so when you’re choosing, push yourself out of your comfort zone. Don’t worry about choosing something that will “match” or “go” with everything. Instead choose something that will stand out, capture attention and make you seem brave. Select glasses that speak volumes immediately about your strength of character and style moxy.
You will never regret having courage, and that goes double for style courage!!
You can do this.