If you’re a little late to the spring cleaning party, don’t worry! The weather’s perfect to shine some sun into the dark corners of your closet. We are ready to ditch our winter duds, open the windows and focus on a “refresh” of our closets, drawers and cabinets.
If throwing things away is difficult for you, or you don’t want to spend an entire sunny day cleaning out your closet, here are 3 simple things you can throw away right now that will make a huge difference.
1. Yucky jeans that don’t fit and are dated. If they aren’t your ‘go to’ pair, get rid of them. We hang on to old, bad jeans way too long. Overly treated and tattered jeans look ridiculous. And if they don’t fit, let them go! DUMP!
2. Old worn out bras! Bad bras aren’t doing you any favors. A bra should really only last you around 100 – 150 hand wash/wearings before it’s stretched out and useless. Throw away all of the old bras that you never wear anymore and invest in 3 new ones. Each day, wash one, wear one and lest one rest. 6 months later, repeat.
3. Throw away all of the old, germy makeup that you’ve had since high school. All of those free sample lipsticks and old eyeshadow need to visit the garbage. They just take up room in your drawer and you’re never going to wear them. They are gross. Just say good bye.
If you just purge in these three areas, it will take less than 30 minutes and you’ll feel so much better. It may even inspire you to tackle the whole closet… but no matter, just start with this. You can do it!