I don’t know about you and your family, but the mound – mountain – of gift wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue and boxes that is created at our house every Holiday is about a trees worth… not to mention the cost of it all. It’s actually little embarrassing now that I think about the wastefulness. Eeek!
While in Montana over Thanksgiving I discovered a beautiful collection of ladies who donated their time and creative energy making quilts and crochet crafts for almost a dozen charities. They used donated scraps of fabric for the gorgeous quilts, donated yarn for slippers and loads of loving effort to create incredible gifts and usable items for sale.
So it got me thinking. What if this year, I made one simple shift. Instead of buying wrapping paper that would be thrown away, why not buy yards of fabric to wrap my gifts. And once everything is opened and the Holidays are put to bed, I could donate the fabric to a quilting group for charitable uses.
The fabric can be used and taped, just like paper, only saved and put to good use afterwards. I found some gorgeous examples of fabric wrap on Pinterest and even an idea to use old plaid pajamas and shirts as holiday wrap. It just makes sense! Plus you’ll get loads of compliments on your fabulous creativity.
Let’s try it!