Beauty & Style Products and Advice from Celebrity Stylist Andy Paige

Free Freight Friday!


We battled for the bargains on Black Friday, shopped locally on Small Business Saturday and took advantage of some fabulous internet deals on Cyber Monday!  Just when you thought all the “shopping holidays” were over, retailers have created another special day to put on your calendars to ensure super savings!


This Friday, December 18, represents one week before Christmas and the last day online retailer can promise to have your packages delivered for FREE before the Holidays. Most retailers are jumping on board the Free Freight Friday movement and offering deeper discounts on this day in addition to free freight to help make your season bright.  Everything is promised to get to you by Thursday, December 24, Just before Santa shimmies down the chimney.

If you weren’t able to get your shopping completed over the weekend, don’t fret, and don’t buy anything else just yet. This Friday promises to be worth the anxiety. Free shipping and super savings for everyone!!

Woohoo! Here’s to FREE FREIGHT FRIDAY!