Beauty & Style Products and Advice from Celebrity Stylist Andy Paige

Too Hot for Hot Tools!


We made it to summer after the worst winter EVER, so I am NOT going to complain about the heat.  I am loving every minute of it.  Thank you sweet Mother Nature!

What I will say, is that it’s been a little difficult to blow dry and curl my hair in the current climate. So… cool showers and a bun maker to the rescue!

I have discovered that I can get the same voluminous curl and body that I get from a blow dryer and curling wand, by washing my hair at night, adding a leave in conditioner and rolling my hair into a bun maker on top of my head.image (8)

I spread my hair all around the bun maker to allow for ventilation and I sleep under a fan. If you don’t have a bun maker a sock will do.

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There are loads of tutorials on my Pinterest page about sock buns and bun makers.  So please head over there of you need guidance on how to roll your hair into one.

In the mornings, I simply do my makeup, put on a summer dress and take out my bun, revealing perfect waves and voluminous curls. It couldn’t be more “cool” and easy.

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So this time of year, skip the hot tools, but don’t skip the style.

Note – I wait until my sweet thing goes to sleep before I give myself this unicorn hair do!  This hair trick works great, but can be a tad unattractive. I keep the mystery alive by waiting until I am ready to sleep before I roll up my do!  Wink!